It is good to be back in the US again, and I am already beginning my classes for the fall term. I look forward to all that the Lord has in store for this school year after a full and exciting summer of ministry in Pakistan. I enjoyed visiting with family and friends and also having the honor to share Jesus with thousands through preaching God’s Word, sharing with the children in the orphanage and providing food for widows and poor families there. We were also able to baptize 50 people. God is good!
As I begin my school year, I want to let you know that the work in Pakistan has not stopped. It continues through the team of pastors and ministers who work with me, and they continue to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and provide Bibles and food for people in need. Before I left, we met together to discuss how to best continue the work and bring glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ. Please keep our ministry team in Pakistan in your prayers as they are sharing Jesus with many.

And, the last thing I will ask you to pray about…I am planning to return to Pakistan in December, and I want to arrange more Mega Crusades like the one we had this summer to share the Gospel with thousands who need to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. If you can join me, please contact me so that we can begin to make arrangements. If you cannot go, would you consider helping to support these crusades? They are very expensive, and your support will be very much appreciated. My Friends, thank you so much for praying for us. You are so important to this ministry, and we could not do it without your prayers and financial support.
May God bless you.
Evangelist Naeem Nasir